Frequently Asked Questions
Whom do I contact if my student(s) are absent?
When a student is absent any time during school hours, they must submit a written or medical note to Susie Lee, the attendance clerk in Room 8 within three days of returning to school. Telephone Calls are NOT necessary to report student absences.
All notes must include the following information: Student First and Last Name; Date of Absent (if not all day, time or period absent); Reason for Absence; and Signature of Parent, Guardian or Caregiver
For more information and to learn about our excused absence policy, please click here.
How do I get a previous year yearbook?
Contact our Alumni Association at for yearbooks from 2012 or prior.
OR, call the school at 415-750-8400 and leave a message for Tammy Aramian, Alumni Executive Director.
Not all years are available.
For 2013 or later books, contact
How can I find my student’s counselor?
Visit the Counseling Department page, and you will see the counselor's list with a direct email link. You can also visit the Staff Directory.
If you don’t know the name of your child’s counselor, send an email to Erin Lynch, Assistant Principal.
How can I find information regarding college requirements and scholarships?
Please visit the College & Career Center page for information.
How can I get a copy of my transcripts?
Current students can see their counselor.
Graduates can obtain their transcripts at the school district transcript office. Please call them at 415-695-5543 for hours of operation and applicable fees.