Nutrition and Wellness

Nutrition and Wellness Icon

Student Menus

image no peanuts no tree nuts

District 80 Schools ARE PEANUT & TREE NUT-Safe Schools and no longer serve products containing or processed alongside peanuts/tree nuts. 

Peanut Tree nut reminder.pdf
Peanut Tree Nut Allergy Information.pdf

Nutrition Program Information 

Mount Vernon City Schools District 80 participates in the national school child nutrition program. In doing so, we are committed to serving nutritious meals every day. All meals are planned and prepared to meet the dietary guidelines and nutritional goals listed below. All our menus are analyzed for nutrient content using the Nutri-kids computerized menu-planning program. 

Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) 

We encourage parents to take an active role in developing their child's nutritional habits. Talk to your child about the importance of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and limiting the fat in their diet. 

Please support our efforts in providing all children with the best possible nutritional basics he or she needs for education today and a healthy lifestyle tomorrow. 

Related Policies

School Wellness Board Policy-650.pdf

School Wellness Board Policy 6:50

Free Reduced Prices Board Policy-4130.pdf

Free & Reduced Prices Board Policy 4:130

Food Services Board Policy-4120.pdf

Food Services Board Policy 4:120