Our Values

The things we value most are:


"Doing the right thing"

Developing global citizens who reject selfishness and who care for the planet, their nation, their community, their family and friends, their neighbours, strangers and themselves.


"Outstanding quality"

Inspiring the belief that everyone is capable of exemplary levels of performance by modelling success and removing ceilings to achievement.


"Fairness and social justice"

Creating a culture where respect for others and human rights are central to how people relate to one another by treating people with democratic values and impartiality.


"Caring for others"

Ensuring that everyone treats each other with respect, with responsibility and building positive relationships. If harm is done then the relationship is restored.


"Continuous change"

Understanding that change is inevitable so making sure that all are open to new ideas and multiple perspectives as problems arise and solutions are sought.


"Working hard and not giving up"

Developing an approach to learning that understands mistakes are good as they are opportunities for learning.