General Class Information

General Class Information from Mrs. Holzem…

Here are some notes about our class that you may find helpful:

Beginning of the school day:

Our school day will begin at 8:40. Second graders line up at Door 2 (by the library). The outside bell will ring at 8:30 for students to line up. They need to be in the classroom ready to go at 8:40. The playground has adult supervision beginning at 8:25. If your child is going to be absent, please inform the office.

Safe arrival number to report absences: 204-1206

Office number: 204-1200

Dismissal time:

For the first two days, dismissal will be at 2:05.

Otherwise, for the rest of the year, Monday’s dismissal time is 2:05, the rest of the week it is 3:40.


Students may bring a small, nutritional, non-messy snack to have in the morning if they wish. No candy, cookies, juice, soda, etc. Students may bring a water bottle to keep in class.

Home Folder

Every Friday, your child will bring home their “Home Folder”. This folder will be a way to communicate back and forth. Notes, homework, and finished school work will come home through this folder. Your child will need to bring back their folder on Mondays. Sometimes, the folder will come home during the week if there happens to be timely information that needs to go home before Friday.

Homework, Homework, Homework

In second grade students have Bridges math homework each week. Bridges math homework comes home on Fridays in the home folder. It is expected that students complete the homework and return to school by the next Friday. The homework provides independent practice for students, and also gives parents insight into what their children are doing in math at school.

We also send home reading calendars each month. Students should read at least 20 minutes each day. This includes reading independently, reading aloud, and listening to someone else read.

We feel it so important that students have time to play outside and spend time with their families.


If your children wish to bring a treat to celebrate their birthday, that is fine. We often have students with food allergies. If necessary, I will let you know if there are any restrictions in our class. I do ask that you do not bring cakes (I don’t have access to knives, and it can be a little more of a production! )

Contacting me:

Feel free to contact my anytime you need to! E-mail is a great way – I can be reached at You may also call me at 204-1200, jot me a note, or stop by before or after school.

Weekly Newsletter

I will be e-mailing a weekly newsletter each Friday. Please let me know if you need a hard copy instead.

Looking forward to a great year!

Stefanie Holzem