Frequently Asked Questions

Are you still collecting sheds?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Our project is on-going. We are still collecting sheds.

What are the benefits of contributing to this research project?

Your contribution will help us understand the genetics of pigmentation in reptiles, a topic that has received little attention in the past. This knowledge will benefit breeders of ball pythons because it will enable genetic testing for recessive color morphs. Such tests will allow breeders to identify heterozygotes.

A second benefit is that your contribution will enable students at Eastern Michigan University to perform real genetic analyses in their undergraduate lab courses. This curriculum will increase student interest in science and will help our students train for their future careers. Your contribution will thus benefit you and the wider community at the same time.

Which color morphs are you interested in?

We are interested in sheds from all animals, including normals, color morphs, hets, possible hets, and combinations of color morphs.

What do you do with a shed after you receive it?

We first catalog the shed and place it in our freezer. Freezing kills any insect larvae that might be present on the shed. Insect larvae are especially common in sheds received from Florida, perhaps because Florida is warm enough for ball pythons to be housed outside.

Next, we clean the shed by rinsing it in several changes of water. This step removes salts and other contaminants that could inhibit downstream biochemical reactions.

Once the shed is clean, we collect a ~4-in x 4-in piece of shed. We incubate the piece of shed overnight in a solution containing the enzyme Proteinase K. Proteinase K digests the shed, releasing DNA into solution.

Do you need the whole shed?

No, we don't need the whole shed. Typically, a partial shed is fine. The only situation in which we need the whole shed is if the shed came from a very small animal. That said, we prefer to receive the whole shed in case we need to perform repeated experiments on a sample.

What if the shed is torn or broken into pieces?

It's no problem for us if the shed is torn or broken into pieces. Please go ahead and send it!

Is it okay if the shed is dirty or wet?

Dirty is fine. Wet is not. Wet sheds can rot, which causes the DNA to be destroyed. Please allow sheds to dry before sending them.

Do you need multiple sheds from the same animal?

Typically, no. A single shed is usually enough.

How should I store the shed after collecting it?

If the shed is damp, please allow the shed to dry at room temperature until all moisture has evaporated. Once dry, sheds can be stored at room temperature for several weeks.

Can I send the shed via regular snail-mail?

Yep, regular snail-mail works fine. You don't need to pay extra for faster shipping service.