What is Fastbreak?

Final Cru Midwest Fastbreak 2020 Promo.mp4



Midwest Fastbreak is the Winter Conference for the high school ministry of Cru in the Midwest Region. This year we are in Xenia, Ohio!

We are from Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois and Indiana. Any high school aged student is welcomed to come, we ask that there is a one adult ratio per every seven students.

If you are a Cru College student looking at this website and want to get connected in the high school ministry of Cru CONTACT US!


Conference registration includes food except for the days you travel to the conference (Saturday morning breakfast to Sunday lunch is provided)

Early bird registration is $249. Register and pay your $49 deposit by noon EST on December 16th to get the early bird rate.

If you miss the early bird deadline, conference registration is $274. Online Registration closes January 15h at noon EST.

Transportation Cost is TBA and will be announced by your Local Cru Leader.


Check-in begins at 6:00pm and ends 8:00pm EST on Friday January 15th, 2021.

You will leave at a time designated by your Local Cru Leader (usually around 3p-6pm on Friday January 15th)



Meals are included in the conference cost (except for Friday Night where you will eat before you arrive to the conference.)


The Conference ends at noon on Monday, January 18th. (No School to honor MLK Day) and students will depart from Xenia around 1pm. Talk to Local Cru Leader for arrival time in your city.

We ask that each student leave a tip for the housekeepers. $1 per student per day is our recommendation.


Cru’s Athletes in Action Sports Complex

651 Taylor Drive

Xenia, OH 45385

Promotional Materials

Find it here

Got questions?

Send them our way, email: marcy.ripberger@cru.org