Osseo Listens

osseo listens: a community conversation

Osseo Listens will take place on May 7th, and May 9th from 3:30 until 7:30pm at Osseo Senior High.

On each of the evenings we will offer multiple modalities for conversation with our families and community. There will be opportunities to engage with administration and scholars, dive into our Vision 2020 programming details, and lend your voice to the innovative future of Osseo Senior High.

We value diversity of voice, lived experiences, and truth as mechanisms to evaluate our practice and provide insight to best meet the needs of our scholars and stakeholders. By seeking the perspectives of our community – we all benefit. In order to build together - we want to hear from you!

Partnering Opportunities:

Community Huddles- 3:30-7:30p, Room 129

Vision 20/20 Station- 3:30-7:30p, Career Resource Center

Survey Stations- 3:30-7:30p, Main Gym Lobby & The Commons

Community Huddles

We want to engage in open conversation with our families and community around focus areas at OSH. Please feel free to drop into any of our sessions with school leadership to be part of the conversation.

Vision 20/20 Station

Each scholar’s vision of success is unique. Engage with us around OSH's vision and learn more about unique and innovative opportunities scholars can utilize to launch, support, and accelerate their own vision. We want to hear from you about your vision for your scholar, this school and our Osseo community.

Formal Feedback opportunities include: feedback cards, vision interview recordings

Survey Stations

Please provide us your valuable voice and feedback at one of our computer survey stations located outside of the main gym or our commons area. There will also be multiple areas to provide written feedback throughout the school, so keep an eye out!