Game Rules

  • Complete challenges as a team and submit proof through Workplace and the Challenge Tracker

  • There are a total 10 challenges, and one final championship round with the top 3 teams.

  • After proof of your completed challenge is verified by the challenge captain, your team will receive the next challenge along with a clue.

  • Collect these clues as you complete each challenge, you will need them later to potentially earn your spot in the championship round.

  • Top 3 teams will earn money to benefit a small business or charity of their choice.

  • Show good sportsmanship throughout...remember, it's all for a good cause.

Speed wins...but so does spirit.

  • This is an "Amazing Race" style of competition. The first few teams to complete all 10 challenges will have the best opportunity to make it to the championship round...

  • However, points will also count. Each time you complete a challenge you earn points, but there will also be opportunities for bonus points (see "Flair" category of challenges). Because in this competition it's not just what you do...but how you do it.

  • So, even if your team isn't the could still have a chance in this competition by being creative.

  • The top 3 teams with the most points at the end of 4 weeks of competition will receive their entry into the final championship round! (details to be announced).

Example of a "Flair" challenge that could qualify for "style points"

  • Here is an example we’ve taken from our archives of previous health challenges, with some familiar faces that you will also see in #StrongerHappierUS (shout out BCAC teams). They submitted proof in the form of an action movie.

  • Our Challenge Captain loves these kind of things as they are great pieces of content to share (with permission) to further the mission of “Stronger, Happier US” well beyond the “walls” of our Workplace group.

  • This sort of creativity is by no means required in this challenge...but the time investment to do so is certainly worth being recognized (and rewarded).

  • Hopefully this helps provide some clarity and ideas as to how your team might capitalize on the opportunity for “Flair” points.