
The leaderboard automatically updates every 5 minutes or so. So please wait a few minutes after logging an entry into the tracker before checking the leaderboard! 

Note that "bonus challenge" points are credited to your individual score, but not your team score.

3/11/24-3/17/24 is "Pre-Season." You can practice logging your movement into the tracker and build that habit. Your entries will show up on the leaderboard. 

We will clear all "Pre-Season" entries and officially start the event on 3/18/24. The event will go through 3/24/24. 

Best of luck to all participants! 

method to the madness

You will receive individual and team points for each entry you log into the tracker. Team points are divided by the amount of active members on your roster. A member becomes active once they submit an entry into the tracker. This design will encourage you to recruit lots of teammates, but won't penalize you for anyone who signs up but chooses to sit on the sidelines and cheer you on.

The scoring system is weighted so that different activities are given different values based on how challenging that activity makes active transportation. You enter your mode of movement, and the distance you covered (choosing either miles or meters). Your distance is then multiplied by a conversion factor to award your individual points. Here is the breakdown for the weighted point system:



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