More about PRISMSpace-1

Status of historical research

First high school satellite project: TJ3Sat

TJ3Sat was the first high school satellite project constructed by Thomas Jefferson high school. Its mission was to provide educational resources to the high school students in their fields. Their original payload is a voice synthesis module, which can take written voice phrases in the form of code and output a phonic voice reading on amateur radio frequencies. By using what they knew, they built the cube satellite successfully. In the part of telecom, they used the transmitter, which was fixed in frequency by a crystal oscillator fed to a PLL circuit. This transmitter center carrier frequency is 437.320 MHz and matches the coordinated frequency. The radio is an AFSK 1200 baud data, which would be used as the primary data transmission. Lots of sensors were also being used by TJ3Sat project: they used temperature, voltage, current sensors, which would produce data to the Earth, which can be used by high students.

Application potential

Our cube satellite is small for us to carry all the things to the space, there are lots of application potentials for our cube satellite to develop.

We can do other experiments in the cube satellite. As previously mentioned, misery universe has microgravity, high vacuum, strong radiations and very low temperature, these are all stuffs we can study and do experiments about. Parts of the objective for the satellite was apply in the education field, these experiments’ data could be shared to all high school students.