- Quick Actions -

Click For Mental Health & Advocacy Reminders

Advocacy - especially advocacy over a span of years that has been met with inaction - can be taxing. Make sure you are taking care of yourself.

  • Set time limits for social media outlets and news sites related to gun violence

  • Practice caution when interacting with potentially triggering posts

  • Take a break. If you're triggered, emotionally or physically exhausted, or overwhelmed, take a step back and take care of yourself.

"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Petitions to sign

Places to Donate


Stay Informed

5 Calls provides resources and scripts to call your representative to demand they take action against gun violence.

Find quick actions to take, including tweeting, contacting your representatives, phone banking, and fundraising.

Email your Members of the NJ Legislature about Gov. Muphy's gun safety law packages.