CONTACT \ Listserv

These pages are maintained by the Committee on Cataloging of the Middle East Librarians Association (ConC MELA).

Please contact us for inquiries relating to the work of the committee.

For inquiries about this web-site please get in touch with the webmaster.

We welcome your feedback, and will try to answer your questions promptly.


General cataloging inquiries should be directed to the MidEastCat-L mailing list*, which is devoted to issues in cataloging Middle Eastern materials. Please note that this is a closed subscription list, and that list owners must add new subscribers.

GOOGLE USERS: please sign in to Google, and locate the group by searching or browsing the index. You will then be given the option to "Apply for membership".

NON-GOOGLE accounts: please send your request for membership to the webmaster, with "mideastcat-l membership request" in the subject line.

General aspects of Middle Eastern librarianship (i.e. not cataloging-related) are being discussed on the list of MELA - MELANET-L.

*This version of MIDEASTCAT-L supersedes the list of the same name that was hosted at Stanford from 2006.