

At The Prince of Wales School, our intention is to instill a genuine passion for French within every child, fostering a love for language learning that will accompany them throughout their lives and inspire a lifelong curiosity about different cultures.

Our commitment to French education extends beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum, as we deliver a comprehensive, well-rounded curriculum. Our aim is to ensure a progressive development of language skills, cultural understanding and a profound appreciation for the Francophone world.

We go the extra mile by organising immersive experiences, utilizing authentic resources and making connections to the rich tapestry of the French language and culture. 

Collaboration with local experts and native speakers enriches our French program,me providing authentic linguistic models and cultural insights. We believe in creating a vibrant learning environment that mirrors real-life language usage and fosters a deep understanding of French-speaking communities.

Our French curriculum actively connects with other subjects, offering a holistic approach to education. By integrating language learning with various disciplines, we provide our students with a well-rounded perspective on the significance of French language and culture in the global context.

We emphasise the development of language skills through engaging activities such as role-plays, language games and creative projects. Our children learn to express themselves confidently in French, developing not only linguistic competence but also an appreciation for effective communication.

The planning of our French lessons begins with a focus on both language proficiency and cultural enrichment. We carefully map opportunities for applying language skills in real-life contexts, ensuring that our pupils are well-prepared for an interconnected and multicultural world.

Above all, our French programme is fully inclusive, catering to the individual needs and abilities of every child. Through a supportive and engaging learning environment, we strive to equip our children with the linguistic and cultural competencies needed to thrive in an increasingly globalised society.