
Fun and friendly checkbook for daily use


Starting the app

The app starts with 1 sample account and 1 sample transaction.

Blue buttons can help you with your next task. 

TAP a transaction to select it.

(Optional) TAP the blue square next to a transaction to mark that your transaction has been posted or reconciled with your bank statement.

Switching accounts

TAP the Switch account button near the top of the page to bring up a grid of all your accounts.

(You must have at least 2 accounts to see the Switch account button and to switch accounts.)

TAP an account thumbnail to switch to the account.

TAP the Transaction list button to see the recent transactions for an account.

Using the menu

TAP the Do something else button at the bottom of the page to open the menu.

TAP the Close menu button to close the menu.

Record a new transaction

Enter the transaction information into the boxes.  TAP on Deposit for deposits.  TAP on Withdrawal for withdrawals.  TAP on the date to select a new date.

(Amount must be more than zero.)

TAP the SAVE button at the top of page.

Editing an existing transaction

Change the information you want to change.

(Amount must be more than zero.)

TAP the SAVE button at the top of page.

Add a new account

Enter your account name in the box.  You can use Emojis.

(Account names cannot be blank.)

(You can have up to 12 accounts.)

TAP the SAVE button at the top of page.

Deleting account 

Changing account name

TAP the DELETE Account button at the bottom of the page and then TAP to confirm.

Enter the new name for your account in the box.

TAP the  SAVE button at the top of page.

Record a transfer

TAP the blue account name to select another account.

ENTER the amount in the box.  

(Amount must be more than zero.)

TAP on the date to change the date of the transfer.

(You can only perform transfers if you have more than 1 account.)

TAP the SAVE button at the top of page. 

We don't collect, store, use, share, or sell your data or your personal  information.  We don't use third party APIs or analytics.


Copyright 2023 Prexolve LLC