Fun IOU accounts manager for daily use


Working with accounts

TAP on an Account button at the top of the screen to switch to an account.

VIEW the current balance and the recent transactions in the account.

Easily SEE a green color if your account has a positive balance. 

TAP Edit Account in the middle of the screen to edit the account name or to delete the account.

Working with transactions

TAP a Deposit or Withdraw button at the bottom of the screen to add a transaction.

TAP on a transaction to highlight it.

TAP Edit at the bottom of the screen to edit the highlighted transaction.

Deleting a transaction

SWIPE across a transaction from right to left to delete a transaction.

Editing a transaction

TAP Save to save the transaction after making changes.

TAP Delete to delete the transaction.

Editing an account

TAP Save to save the account after changing acocunt name.

TAP Delete to delete the account.

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