6th Grade - MENA Discovery

PHS 6th grade students learned about the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region both to dispel stereotypes about the region and to develop an understanding of the refugee crisis, particularly as it relates to the war in Syria.

Double Portrait Muslim Women.pdf
Middle East - Intro (1).pdf

Students familiarized themselves with the geography of the MENA region by completing a map with the countries and capital cities. They then examined and drew the flags and currency of these countries, paying particular attention to their symbolism, history, and culture.

Mohja Kahf Grandmother Poem.pdf

Students continued learning about the MENA region and culture by reading refugee stories, identifying and investigating artifacts from the region, and reading poetry by people from MENA countries.

MENA Map Labeled (1).pdf
Art_Artifact of MENA Research Project (1).pdf
Refugee Stories.pdf