About Me:

"I teach because witnessing the happiness, confidence and empowerment that comes from learning, reminds me that there is still a sense of hope in the world." - Me

Hi! My name is Chelsea Lemon and I am currently a 4th grade Teaching Assistant in San Francisco and a first year student in the BATTI program. I am a San Francisco/ Bay Area native and I am currently living in Moss Beach, CA with my partner and our two kitties - Nuzz and Sulli. I am a daughter, sister, girlfriend, friend to many, cat mom, dancer (of all types but especially Irish Dancing), avid concert attendee, yogi, hiker, swimmer, adventurer, and most applicable to this website- a teacher. I enjoy teaching anything and everything as it brings me so much satisfaction to enhance learning for other humans, no matter the age. I hope you enjoy diving into my page and learning all that you can about my philosophies and research when it comes to technology in the K- 12 classroom :)