Presbyterian High School
National Cadet Corps (Sea)

To serve with pride and dedication!

The mission of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) is to nurture inspiring leaders and committed citizens through fun, adventurous and military-related activities.

As a sea-based uniformed group, we aim to enrich our cadets with a variety of experiences. Our cadets engage in various sea activities like kayaking and seamanship, and military-based activities like individual field craft and adventure camps.


Cadets will be given opportunities for 1 & 2-star kayaking certifications and sea expeditions.


Cadets will learn seamanship knowledge, bends and hitches, and naval traditions.

Individual Field Craft

Cadets will learn field signals, judging distances, navigation, fire control order and weapon handling.

adventure camp

Cadets will participate in outdoor adventure camps, with exciting activities like archery and paintball.