Beres' Resource Classes

Contact information:

Room 426 by the cafeteria

Phone: 928-717-3253

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your student to Mrs. Beres' resource classroom. It was so nice to meet all of my students and many of the parents over the past week. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself. I moved to the state of Arizona about a 13 years ago from the state of Oregon. I have lived and traveled through many of the 50 states and around the world including Paraguay, New Zealand, Costa Rica, and Australia. My two children are attending Prescott High School and my husband works as a biology professor at Yavapai College. My first love is Biology, in which I have a Master’s in and with field experience in the West- including the blast zone of Mount St Helens!

In regards to your students, they will be assessed and placed according to their appropriate level groups for reading and math. Your child is now becoming familiar with the expectations of 5th and 6th grade. This transition maybe difficult for some so if you need to express your concerns please do not hesitate to call me, email me, or stop by.