Nurses Corner

We are seeing a spike again in the Prescott School District of children testing positive for COVID-19, Strep-Throat & Influenza A.  The schools with the highest absenteeism due to illness are the Elementary School and High School.  2nd grade has been affected the most at this time.  Please encourage good hygiene for your children and remember to keep them home when sick.  Please do not send your student to school with medication as they are still contagious and continuing to spread their germs to their classmates. 

Prescott School Nurse’s Corner November 2nd 2023

COVID Guidelines 

As the new school year has started we are starting to see a few COVID-19 cases pop up as well as a cold that has been more respiratory (airway).  We also have many students with allergies and a few positive cases of strep.  

With that being said I know the one virus that has most people questioning when to return to school based on the Too Sick for School guidelines is COVID-19.  I have created a chart that lists when to return by each symptom.  If your student has multiple symptoms and you do not fit the 

"When to return to school" guidelines provided then we ask that you keep your student out until you can answer yes to each symptoms return guidelines.  Prescott School Districts ultimate goal is to have students return to learn while keeping other students safe and healthy as well.  With that being said; we recommend that your student wear a mask when they return to prevent further spread and good hand hygiene.

If you (parent/guardian) are COVID positive and your student is not exhibiting any symptoms, they are allowed to come to school.  If they are exhibiting symptoms then please follow the flow-chart.

COVID Guidelines Chart 

August 16, 2023 Newsletter

Click HERE for important information from our nurse staff.