Mrs. Ruch

Grade 5

Week of February 16 , 2021

Today is Fat Tuesday and the students who bought a donut will receive their snack. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the 5th -8th grade will get ashes at church. This Friday is a Dress Down Day for $ 1. The chocolate sale is still going on this week.

This week 5th grade has a reading test on the vocabulary from James and the Giant Peach on Friday. The 7th grade has a math test on Percent and Proportion on Tuesday. The 6th and 8th grades have no tests this week.

*** Don't forget a book (chapter, comic, drawing or puzzle book), water bottle and a snack for the week !!!

Wishing all of us a safe and healthy future!

God Bless!

If you have no written homework, you should be studying.