Benchmark 2 - Partnership Agreement
The Early College High School shall have a current, signed memorandum of understanding (MOU), interlocal agreement (ILA) for each school year that:
• Defines the partnership between the school district(s) and the institution(s) of higher education (IHE) and addresses topics including, but not limited to, the ECHS location; transferability and applicability of college credit between a 2 year and 4 year institution; the allocation of costs for tuition, fees, and textbooks; and student transportation;
• States that the school district or charter in which the student is enrolled shall pay for college tuition (for all dual credit courses, including retakes), fees (including TSI administration fees), and required textbooks to the extent those charges are not waived by the partner IHE;
• Defines an active partnership between the school district(s) and the IHE(s), which shall include joint decision making procedures that allow for the planning and implementation of a coherent program across institutions; and
• Includes a data sharing agreement that promotes collaborative interventions with processes for collecting, sharing, and reviewing program and student data to assess the progress of students served by the ECHS.
The Early College High School shall have a current, signed memorandum of understanding (MOU), interlocal agreement (ILA) for each school year that:
• Defines the partnership between the school district(s) and the institution(s) of higher education (IHE) and addresses topics
including, but not limited to, the ECHS location; transferability and applicability of college credit between a 2 year and 4
year institution; the allocation of costs for tuition, fees, and textbooks; and student transportation;
• States that the school district or charter in which the student is enrolled shall pay for college tuition (for all dual credit
courses, including retakes), fees (including TSI administration fees), and required textbooks to the extent those charges are
not waived by the partner IHE;
• Defines an active partnership between the school district(s) and the IHE(s), which shall include joint decision making
procedures that allow for the planning and implementation of a coherent program across institutions; and
• Includes a data sharing agreement that promotes collaborative interventions with processes for collecting, sharing, and
reviewing program and student data to assess the progress of students served by the ECHS.