
Our co-curricular activities develop the talents of our kids. They are also designed to explore and harness their creativity. This also ensures each child is valued, respected, feels safe and secure and develops a positive self-concept. This enables a sound foundation for physical and motor development. The children have opportunities to join in any extra curricular of their choice such as the baby yoga, bonjour babies, swimming/water play, ballet/dance, athletics and lots more.


Collaboration with parents of our kids

Children can learn a lot about how to make new friendships, and how to keep old ones, while they spend time in their parents care. We bring our parents in and that can make a huge impact on them.

Kids Discipline

Over the years, we have developed working models for correcting and guiding kids as they grow into self disciplined adults. They are also designed to explore and harness their creativity. Each child is valued, respected, feels safe and secure and develops a positive self-concept.

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