Tours Homepage

This site is a collection of virtual tours created by P5 and P6 students at Precious Blood Primary School. We have been unable to travel outside of Hong Kong for 2 and a half years because of the COVID pandemic. We decided to travel virtually instead...

Each page on this site was made by a student. It tells about a place they would like to visit in the future. Students used a variety of online tools and AR apps to help them research and then create their tour pages. This included Google Earth, the Arts and Culture app, YouTube and also using Search to find other good information and websites. We hope you enjoy them. Click on the menu and click a name and start travelling around the world!

Example Tour by Mr. Matthew

My Tour is about Venice, Italy. I have never been. It looks amazing. Also, I heard it is sinking underwater so maybe I need to visit soon… Luckily they have lots of gondolas. I would like to try a ride in one of those!

Venice is a famous city. It has lots of amazing History and Art. Many famous artists lived there. It's a very popular tourist place for adults. But what about for kids?

Check this article out to learn more:

Doesn't it look like a great place.

But what about if you want to visit?

How about a 3-day tour?

Let's take a look at the Guided Tour information in

Google Earth here.

Get an idea of Venice before you go with this cool video!