Course Materials

Due to COVID-19, there will be no use of classroom supplies. Therefore, each student will need to bring their own supplies to class every day, and not share those supplies with classmates.

Each student will need to bring with them on a daily basis the following items:

-3 subject notebook for taking notes

-pencils (any type)

-pens (any brand and color)

Optional Supplies:


-colored pencils

-glue stick(s)


If a student is unable to provide the required supplies,

please notify the teacher and supplies for that student will be acquired.

**Plan For The Future: I highly recommend that you purchase a graphing calculator. One will be provided for you to use while on campus at the High School, but will not be provided by a college. If you purchase a TI-84, than I can help you learn how to use it. If you purchase a different model, I will try to help you :)

NOTE: Not all colleges will allow the use of graphing calculators.