Algebra III H

About the Class

Algebra III Honors has an online component that will require students to have internet access at home. The lack of internet access will not be an acceptable excuse for missing or late assignments. All assignments including homework, quizzes, and test will be through the Pearson MyLab website. Homework assignments are designed to reinforce the material learned in class and are graded for accuracy. Students may retry homework assignments to receive 100% before the due date. Pearson offers helpful resources within the homework assignments on each question such as “View An Example”, “Help Me Solve This”, and “Ask My Instructor”. Worked out class notes will also be posted to Google Classroom following the day's lesson. Students are responsible for any missed instruction.

It is expected that all Algebra III Honors students abide by ethical academic standards. Academic dishonesty—including cheating or copying the work of another, using technology for illicit purposes, or any unauthorized communication between students during an examination—is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, homework, quizzes, tests, and exams. The consequence for an academic dishonesty infraction is to receive a zero for the assignment.

Algebra III H Grading Policy

  • 50% Tests
    • Test and Projects
  • 40% Classwork
    • Homework (.5 weight)
    • Test Reviews and Quizzes (1 weight)
  • 10% Exam

2020 PRCHS Alg III Syllabus