Student Projects

INFO 653: Knowledge Organization


This is an introductory course to key concepts, systems, and tools to organize, provide access to and share information resources. The course covers basic principles and applications of descriptive cataloging, classification, and indexing for physical and electronic resources. Also covered are metadata, thesauri and emerging knowledge organization systems including folksonomies and linked data. The course provides the foundation for further studies in library, archive, and museum cataloging, reference, information retrieval, database management, and information architecture.

Required for Library and Information Science (MSLIS) degree.

Class website:

Earlier Student Projects are available here

Spring 2024

INFO-653-01_Spring 2024_Cataloging Multimedia (1).pdf
nakahiraalex_26755_1604691_Nakahira Alex_Neustadt Carli_Ladd Rachel_653-01_Research Project_Group Presentation.pdf
madaussarah_23884_1604367_Madaus_Coleman_Vargas_INFO653-01_FinalProject_Accessible Cataloging 2.pdf

Fall 2023

higginssofia_24060_1426910_Critical Cataloging.pptx.pdf
pickeringgrace_21447_1427543_INFO 653 Indigenous Cataloging_Final-1.pptx.pdf

Fall 2022

Cataloging Multimedia.pptx.pdf
Critical Cataloging.pptx.pdf
Indigenous Cataloging.pdf
Linked Open Data.pdf
Next Generation Cataloging.pptx.pdf

Spring 2022

Critical Cataloging.pdf
Indigenous Cataloging.pdf
Cataloging the Weird.pdf

Fall 2021

Archiving and Cataloging Performance Art.pdf
INFO 653 - KO Group Presentation_ Radical Cataloging....pdf
BeitlerBurkeGraves_INFO65301_PresentationSlides.pptx (1).pdf

Fall 2020

Alford Gunther-Mohr_AV Archiving.pdf
Barney Ferguson Romano_Museum Metadata.pdf
Callery Haney Langer Sergeeva_Organology.pdf
Dirzis Meyer Nazim Wang_Crit Cat.pdf
McIntyre Mooney Linn_Moving Image.pdf
Johansen Zerah Zhang_Metadata in Museums.pdf
Cooke Greggs Post_Folksonomies.pdf
Anger Carlson Jonas Ribakove_Wikidata for GLAMs.pdf

Spring 2020

Preserving Born-Digital Art.pdf
Hope-Gund_Schmidt_Toppeta_INFO-653-01_Final Presentation.pdf
Wikidata GLAM presentation (5).pdf
INFO 653 VROOM DONAHUE KENDRIS final presentation.pptx