Social Emotional Learning

In the case of a mental health emergency, please call 911.

We will do our best to provide universal resources on this site that are available to all students surrounding topics such as anxiety, coping skills, and other mental health topics.

During virtual learning we will be available to provide tools and websites that students can access from home as needed.

IMPORTANT: For each of the links below, you MAY need to select to open a new page. You will be redirected to the link after doing so.

The Daily SEL Challenge

COVID 19 Social Story and Activity

Helping Homebound Children during the COVID 19 Outbreak

Taking Care of your Family during the Corona Virus and Other Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks

This 30-Day Mental Health Challenge Is Like a Makeover for Your Mood

Social Emotional Learning Activities

COVID-19 Anxiety Tips and Tricks for Parents

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

How to Talk to Your Children about COVID-19

Fostering Emotional Regulation


It is normal to feel a little uneasy when there are unexpected changes to our routines. Make sure that your kids are taking time to have fun, move their bodies, spend time with people they love, and spend time doing some grounding and calming exercises like coloring!