Weekly Lessons 3-5th/Friends Rooms

Here you will find enrichment activities and weekly lessons for 3rd through 5th grade.

Update: Week of June 1st-4th

In light of recent events regarding what's happening in our country and racism, I wanted to share a resource called Brown Bookshelf. The Brown Bookshelf is designed to push awareness of the myriad Black voices writing for young readers. Their flagship initiative is 28 Days Later, a month-long showcase of the best in Picture Books, Middle Grade, and Young Adult novels written and illustrated by Black creators. These are books that have black protagonists who deal at times with tough issues. It's a wonderful resource to gently open up a dialogue about what's happening in our country.

Week of June 1st-4th

Message from Ms. Griffon,

As we're wrapping up the school year I'd like to remind you of the Summer Reading Program available through the Multnomah County Library System. This year to comply with distance requirements, the game will be played online. The theme this year is "imagine your story" with fairytales, mythology and fantasy. Click on the links below to get more information. I'm also including some links to free online books for summer reading.

Week of May 26th-28th

Message from Ms. Griffon,

I wanted to share two wonderful resources to stave off boredom in your home. The first resource is a website called Easy Geography for Kids, a project curated for children to encourage a love of geography and the world around us by providing free and fun resources. Students can learn about geomorphology, the scientific study of landforms, climate, oceanography, biogeography, the study of plants, animals, trees and bacteria, and continents and countries. The links are listed at the top and students can choose articles to read under each category. For younger students it's best that an adult read the articles to them, but I think taking the time to do this is well worth the effort as it will spark curiosity in your child about the world we live in.

The second resource is a youtube channel called Scishowkids. This is a channel that my 5 year old son is obsessed with. SciShow Kids explores all those curious topics that make us ask "why?" Every Tuesday and Thursday, Jessi and her robot rat Squeaks answer your questions and explain fun, complex science concepts for young, curious minds. Whether conducting experiments, researching new questions, or talking with experts, there's always something new to discover with SciShow Kids, no matter what your age!

Week if May 18th-21st

Message from Ms. Griffon,

I hope you all had a restful weekend and are taking opportunities to do some self care and fun activities at home. I'm including a document with a list of links to find nonfiction videos. Links as well as usernames and passwords are included. If you find a particularly interesting nonfiction video please share with me! Email me at cgriffon@pps.net. Have a wonderful week!

Copy of Nonfiction Video Sources

Week of May 11th-15th

Message from Ms. Griffon:

Where can I find a map of the Oregon trail? Has there ever been treasure found in our state? What Native American tribes came in contact with Lewis and Clark and how did they interact with each other? These are few research questions that can be answered using a wonderful resource called Answerland.

Answerland is Oregon’s online reference service – a place where librarians help Oregon residents find answers to questions and provide research guidance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and it's available in English and Spanish. It is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the State Library of Oregon. Answerland is a good place to get information if you're researching biographies, state and country reports or if you're just curious about our state and want to learn more.

If you have a burning research question you'd like answered, click on the link below and fill out the questionnaire. Be sure to put Woodmere Library in the box marked Library. If you'd like me to post your research question and answer here, email me at gcriffon@pps.net.


Hello students, if you'd like to try Kodable (a coding game) go to your Library Class Google Classroom and follow the steps listed there. You'll find your class code there. Have fun!

Week of May 4th-8th

Message from Ms. Griffon,

Attention all you Harry Potter fans: I discovered a wonderful resource that I'd like to share here for any Potter heads who'd like to dive into the wizarding world and learn some magical skills. It's a website called Hogwarts is Here: https://www.hogwartsishere.com/ where you can take magical classes, go to the library and read Harry Potter fanfiction, read news about the wizarding world, and read a Hogwarts Entertainment magazine. In order to access these resources you'll have to create a user account. Before you do that make sure you get your parents permission and have them help you with this step. It's important for you to remember your duty as a good digital citizen to stay safe online. Remember to keep your information private, and always get your parents permission before talking to any strangers on the site.

To set up an account click on this link:

Click on this link to go to Hogswarts Courses:

Week of April 27th-May 1st

Message from Ms. Griffon

We've talked a lot about fake news in library media class. This is so relevant right now with all the misinformation being spread about COVID-19. I wanted to share this comic with you about how fake news about the pandemic spreads and how we can slow the spread of it.

Jinn, C. (2020, April 20). Comic: Fake News Can Be Deadly. Here's How To Spot It. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from Comic: Fake News Can Be Deadly. Here's How To Spot It

Message from Ms. Griffon:

Hello wonderful Woodmere students and parents, I hope you're staying well and taking some time to slow down and enjoy life. We are going through so many changes right now and it can be scary. I wanted to offer some kid friendly resources that could be helpful when learning about the caronavirus and opening some discussion about it:

The first resource is Coronavirus: A Book for Children. It was written by Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson, and Nia Roberts and illustrated by Axel Scheffler:


There's also a short coronavirus comic that is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese:


Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Griffon