Young Innovators & Entrepreneurs
About Y.I.E.
At Roseway Heights we are trying to expand the opporunities for our students all the time. In the Young Innovators and Entrepreneurs class, students are creating their own businesses and products they want to bring to market. We have a wide variety of business ideas and products already and this journey is still at its beginning. The sales of our products will go straight back into the class in the form of materials as well as funding opportunities for kids to go on field trips and visit local businesses to see how they operate and what it takes to start their own!
Products can be purchased through this website, or at the main office of Roseway Heights middle School. Please note that after an order is placed, students will be filling the order from beginning to end. It will take 5 school days to complete an order for screen printing. If the size you want is not a size we have, we will have to order the shirt which will add a few days to the process. Orders can be picked up at the Main office of RHMS at no cost, or shipped to you for $7 shipping and handling.
Phone: 503-916-5600
Email: chawkins@gmail.com (preferred)
Roseway Heights Middle School
7334 NE Siskiyou St, Portland, OR 97213