PPS Operational Blueprints

As of February 1, 2021, this will serve as the landing place for all PPS Operational Blueprints. These school plans are in accordance with ODE's Ready Schools Safe Learners guidance.

ODE Operational Blueprint Description

Under ODE’s Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance, each school must create a formal plan (ODE Operational Blueprint) that describes the instructional model that they will be using. The options are:

  • Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL), which is the fully virtual learning model that PPS has been using since fall.

  • CDL with Limited In-Person Instruction is a fully virtual learning model, in addition to voluntary limited in person activities in some buildings one to two times per week for short periods of time. All core instruction is provided virtually.

  • Hybrid is a learning model that combines the virtual learning model with in person instruction for longer periods of the day and more days of the week. Some core instruction occurs in person and virtually.

As a district we have sought perspective and feedback from students, families and staff in a variety of ways. Aside from the initial surveys we conducted in early summer with students, families and staff, we have also reached out specifically to many of our historically underserved and marginalized communities through a centralized outreach effort in December. Individual schools have reached out to their school communities independently as well.

In keeping with local, regional and state guidance and new health directives, we believe it is both responsible and critical to base our decisions on what will best ensure the health and wellness of our students and staff. We will always prefer to have our students engaged in classroom-based learning, but given current conditions, it would currently be unsafe to have significant numbers of students and adults back on campus at this time.

We are currently using a Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) model for now. In early October, PPS began bringing some HS students on campuses to participate in outdoor fitness training. January and February we have started offering Limited In Person Instruction opportunities across the district in partnership with our CDL learning model. Hybrid plans are underway for later in the spring and we will keep you updated on those plans.

Portland Public Schools is planning for a gradual return to in-person learning for those students and families interested and able to participate. The success of our Limited In Person Instruction programs will increase comfort levels for both staff and families and support our eventual return to hybrid and other in-person learning.

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) requires that each school district post Operational Blueprints on our website. Below you will find our links and our Standard Operating Procedures. We have gathered the links that may be most useful for families. They are all linked on this page.

It is very important to Portland Public Schools that our families are able to see how we are ensuring the health and wellbeing of our students and staff. If you want information in regards to a specific school blueprint, please reach out to your school administrator.

Thank you for your continued partnership with us in the education of your children. It is through this partnership and ongoing communication that we will be able to safely bring students and staff back to school.