
Temporary Distance Learning Schedule

8:45-9:00 Welcome and Attendance

9:00-9:35 Community Meeting

9:35-9:45 *Break*

9:45-10:00 Read Aloud & Reading Mini-Lesson

10:00-10:15 Independent Reading (a book if you have one)

10:15-10:30 Lexia Core5

10:30-10:45 Reading app: Epic, RAZ kids/Reading A-Z, MyOn

**10:00-10:45 Mrs. Rentz will invite small reading groups into breakout rooms for each of these timers.

10:45-10:55 Share your sticky notes

10:55-11:05 *Break*

11:05-11:15 Math Minute

11:15-11:45 Math lesson

11:45-12:30 Lunch and recess

12:30-1:00 OPTIONAL- Mrs. Rentz's office hours for help or questions

1:00-1:30 Specials (exact schedule TBA)

1:30-2:15 Complete SeeSaw activity, write in your journal, math apps: iReady, Prodigy, DreamBox