Mrs. Murphy'S Second Grade


About Me

After seventeen years in Bend, Oregon my family and I moved to Portland. I also spent some time in Los Angeles where I attended UCLA and worked in Los Angeles Unified School District. I grew up in Seattle and am excited to be back in the greenery of the PNW closer to family and friends.

Some passions I have are reading, cooking, and running. I love good food and being outdoors!


After a few years working in special education for both LAUSD and BLPS, I realized I wanted to be a certified teacher. I became a certified teacher in 2008 and received my National Board Certification in 2020. I have taught grades 1st-5th and most recently been a STEAM teacher for an entire K-5 elementary school. I bring a passion for STEAM education, special education awareness, and creating a love of learning for all students!

Contact Information

Sydney Murphy

(503) 916-6207


