9th Grade Year Counts

9th Grade Year Counts

Start earning credits in your 9th grade year to stay on track to graduation.

  • At Madison, on-track means earning credits in your CORE classes like history, english, math, and physics.

University of Chicago Research

Even though we are doing distance learning 9th grade still counts as much as ever: being on-track, keeping your GPA high and attending school every day.



Nearly 90% of freshmen who miss less than 1 week of school per semester GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL regardless of their 8th grade test scores.


On Track

An on-track 9th grader is 4x more likely to graduate on time than an off-track 9th grader.



Course performance during freshman year of high school is more predictive of whether a student will graduate from high school than race, ethnicity, poverty level, and prior test scores combined.

UChiToThrough_IssueBrief_CollegeChoice v1.pdf

College Choice

Research has consistently shown that students with a 3.0 GPA (or higher) in high school are far more likely to succeed in and graduate from college, and 9th grade is the best time to set that strong GPA for the rest of your high school career.