Lincoln College Center

Welcome to the Lincoln College & Career Center (Room 153)

The college application process can feel inaccessible, overwhelming, and impossible. In the College & Career Center, we're here to help. Whether you know exactly what you want to do after high-school or are uncertain about your plan, we can help you brainstorm and strategize your options. Our goal is to help Lincoln students navigate this process with a minimum of stress and anxiety, from their Freshman year all the way through to Senior year.

Together we can figure out your best strategy for applying to college, develop a timeline, and work on your personal essays. Whether you are undecided about going to college, want to stay near home, go out of state, or out of the country, or just want to know your options, we can set up a google meet and figure it out together.

Come find us in Room 153!

Or Schedule a Meeting with Ms. Aliera, your College Coordinator!

Check out Upcoming Events and Resources from the Lincoln College Center: