At-Home Social Emotional Strategies 

These resources were first shared by PPS in Spring 2020. They are still relevant today. 

Virtual Office

RRT Office

About Us

Portland Public School's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) provides behavioral strategies to foster safe and supportive environments for students and their educators.  These resources are intended to provide clear, accessible information to all our educators (teachers at school and caregivers at home) to support students both at school and at home.

Alternative Seating

Alternative Seating In Distance Learning Flyer
Alternative Seating Exploration Room

Break Options

Break Option Flyer
Break Option Exploration Room
Break Options Activity Links

 Break option activity links (6 languages)

Break Option: A Grounding Moment

Grounding Moment (Break Option): PPS At-Home Strategies for Distance Learning Flyer
Grounding Moment: Exploration Room
Grounding Moment Handout/Tool

Grounding Moment handout (6 languages)

Calm Spaces

Calm Spaces & Activities Exploration Room
PPS PK-8, Lesson 3 Family Connect (Translations Included).pdf

Information on creating calm corners and coping boxes (6 languages)

Calming Tools Activity Links

Calming tools activity links (6 languages)

Emotion Labeling

Emotion Labeling: PPS At-Home Strategies for Distance Learning Flyer
Emotion Labeling: Exploration Room

Emotions Check-Ins

Emotions Check-In: PPS At-Home Strategies for Distance Learning Flyer
Emotions Check-in: Exploration Room
PPS Emotions Check-In (6 Languages).pdf

Emotions Check-In Tool (6 languages)

Resilience Toolkit (6 languages).pdf

Resilience Toolkit (6 languages) 

Emotions: Tool for Noticing My Emotions

Noticing My Emotions Tool: PPS At-Home Strategies for Distance Learning Flyer

Overview of why and how to use the Tool for Noticing My Emotions

(中文 | Chinese) (Русский | Russian)(Soomaali | Somali) (Español | Spanish) (Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese)

Noticing My Emotions Tool: Exploration Room
Noticing My Emotions

Tool for Noticing My Emotions 

(Younger grade version, Upper grade version, Caregiver version)

(中文 | Chinese) (Русский | Russian)(Soomaali | Somali) (Español | Spanish) (Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese)

Resilience Toolkit (6 languages).pdf

Resilience Toolkit (6 languages)

Empowering Choice

Power of Choice Flyer

Overview of why and how to empower students to make choices

(中文 | Chinese) (Русский | Russian)(Soomaali | Somali) (Español | Spanish) (Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese)

The Power Of Choice Exploration Room

First-Then Language and Visuals

First-Then Language: PPS At-Home Strategies for Distance Learning Flyer
First-Then Language Exploration Room

Explore more tips & ideas on  using First-Then strategy

(中文 | Chinese) (Русский | Russian)(Soomaali | Somali) (Español | Spanish) (Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese)

Limit Setting

Limit Setting: PPS At-Home Strategies for Distance Learning Flyer
Limit Setting: Exploration Room

Visual Schedule

Visual Schedules/building routines Flyer
Exploration Room: Visual Schedule
Picture Visual Schedule Template & Guide (PPS At-Home Strategies).pdf

Feedback? Please let us know if you found these tools helpful and ideas for future tools by replying to the Feedback Form