August 16-18

Sherwood 2021

Fusion Theory Conference

A Virtual Conference on the Theory of Fusion Energy

Sherwood 2021 will be held Aug 16-18. Please click here to view the agenda. Times may be subject to change pending finalization of the full schedule of contributed talks.

Register for Sherwood 2021

Registration will ensure that you receive future announcements and will allow you to access files posted on this website. There is no registration fee for Sherwood 2021. Registration will close August 13.

Registration is now closed.

Submit and Abstract for Sherwood 2021

All presentations at Sherwood 2021 will be oral. A limited number will be chosen for invited slots. Abstracts will be accepted through July 9.

Abstract submission is now closed.

Important Dates

Jul 9: Deadline for receiving abstracts (both invited and contributed)

Jul 31: Agenda posted

Aug 13: Registration closes

Aug 16-18: Sherwood 2021

Code of Conduct

At the Sherwood 2021 virtual conference we hope to foster interactions between participants that are thoughtful, positive, and respectful. Despite our physical distance, all participants are required to adhere to the Sherwood Code of Conduct at all times when participating in this virtual conference.

Student Awards

Awards in the amount of $500 each will be presented to six of the best student presentations. In order to qualify for an award, a student must:

  • Not have received this award in two previous Sherwood Conferences

  • Be currently enrolled as a student at an academic institution

At Sherwood 2021, both invited and contributed presentations will be eligible. The complete set of rules for the selection of the student awards will be available soon.

Program Committee

Steffi Diem, U. Wisconsin - Madison (Chair)

Ben Zhu, LLNL (Host)

Ian Abel, U. Maryland

Nate Ferraro, PPPL

Andrew Ware, U. Montana

Additional Information

For more information about the leadership, bylaws, archives, and history of the Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, please visit the Sherwood Fusion Theory website.