
Monday Morning Meeting 3/23/2020.MOV

Monday morning meeting 3/23/2020

Send your videos to Mrs. Ragle at

Monday meeting 3/30/2020

Monday Meeting 3/30/2020

I have a meeting today at 3 pm which I will get more information on how to proceed with our school year. I have sent all of the teachers another copy of your child's IEP at a glance so they have all of the information needed to stay within your child's IEP guidelines while learning at home. Please have your child listen to the video so they know what will be going on this week. I hope everyone is doing well and keeping busy. I may be calling a few families this week to check in. First I will email you with an agreed on time to call. If you see an incoming call that says, "No Caller ID or Private Number" this is probably me. If you don't answer I will try calling back a little later.

Again, I miss all of you VERY much and will try to set up a time to Zoom by grade level.

Stay busy and see ya later, Mrs. Ragle

Monday morning meeting 4/6/2020

Monday Meeting 4/6/2020

Good morning everyone. Please listen to the video and see all of the prizes that you have a chance to WIN just by doing what you normally do while at school. So, get on those websites each day so I can add your name each day. I also added Spelling city's link to the helpful sites tab. So, if our child did spelling with me you will be getting there login information for this site from me today and they should work on these words daily. I will assign tests to see if they can move on to the next set of words. This will be a work in progress. If you have any questions just email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I hope you are staying well and doing your best to keep up on your school work. It will only benefit you in the long run.

Talk to you soon,

Mrs. Ragle