Reading Challenges

I've set up TWO challenges for you! Let's have fun while practicing important reading skills!

  1. Reading BINGO Challenge--Find your child's grade level in the drop down tab at the top of the screen. Print off the BINGO board and complete as many tasks as possible (or whatever applies best to your time at home). Feel free to take a picture of you and your family doing one (or two or three) of the activities. If you feel comfortable, send the picture to me and I can post it on my website!!

  1. Read to Me Challenge--Find your family or child's favorite book and video your child reading it. They can read the book to their favorite stuffed animal, a younger or older sibling, or a pet. If you feel comfortable, send me the video of your child reading it and I can post it on my website! I have posted a video below of myself reading to my 3 month old son to get us started!