Standards & Frameworks

Technology Standards

for Students, Educators, and Coaches

Dynamic Learning Kasey Bell.pdf

"Measure how well technology tools integrated into lessons are helping students engage in, enhance, and extend learning goals." -

What are the 4Cs?

Intro to the Depth of Knowledge

What is Bloom's Digital Taxonomy?

P21 - Partnership for 21st Century Learning

Check out resources for Educators here.

☑Choosing Tech Tools☑

Click for a printable rubric for evaluating apps & websites in lessons

The Triple E Framework was developed by Professor Liz Kolb and was designed for educators to easily evaluate how to select tools to meet learning goals and design learning experiences so the tools have a positive impact on student achievement and learning outcomes. The "Triple E's" are: Extend, Enhance, Engage

When choosing a tool, you should also look at the Privacy Policy.

10 Questions to help evaluate app & website privacy

Check reviews, for example on Common Sense Media

Have they signed the Student Privacy Pledge?