Black Mountain Middle School

Homeroom 2022-2023

BMMS Mission Statement

Black Mountain Middle School will provide a safe environment and inspire responsibility, respect, hard work, and kindness to prepare Raiders to succeed in our global society.

The "Home Field Advantage"

The "Home Field Advantage" is a phrase commonly used in the sports world. It describes the idea that athletes and teams usually perform better when they're playing on their home field. This is because their home field is where they develop their team strategies, create trusting relationships with their teammates, and refine the skills needed to win the big games!

At Black Mountain Middle School, we want our students to step onto our campus feeling like they have the "Home Field Advantage". This means that they feel like they are a valued and important member of the Raider community, are safe to challenge themselves and make mistakes, and most importantly, that their teammates (educators and peers) are there to for encouragement, support, and community. When Raiders come to learn on their own home field, they, without a doubt, have the advantage!

The Four Core Values

At Black Mountain Middle School, we believe students will grow, learn, and develop both as people and students when they are focused on:



hard work, and


Homeroom Introduction Lesson- What and Why Homeroom

Homeroom Lesson #1- What (is Homeroom) and Why (do we do Homeroom)?

Use the following slide deck to gain a better understanding behind the "what" and the "why" of Homeroom at Black Mountain Middle School.