Step-by-Step Instructions and the User Guide for the Interim Assessments

Here are links to detailed Step-by-Step Instructions and User Guides for the Interim Assessments:

Part I: Introduction (PDF) - this section provides general information about the overall process of Interim Assessments and their administration

Part II: Interim Assessment Viewing System (PDF) - this section is designed to explain how teachers can see the interim assessments and understand the types of questions and the scope of the content on the IABs and ICAs. This tool is only available to users who have TOMS credentials that allow administration of an interim assessment. The Interim Assessment Viewing System provides read-only access to all interim assessments. Users must select answers and input text to items to progress through the assessment.

Part III: Interim Assessment Administration (PDF) - this section contains detailed step-by-step information on how to select, administer, and monitor interim assessments; set the manner of administration; verify students’ accessibility resource settings and approve students for testing; and understand the student testing interface.

Part IV: Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (PDF) - this section contains information on how to use and access the Hand Scoring System. Specifically, it shows you how to understand the IAHSS user roles; access the IAHSS itself; select item responses to score; score item responses; mark item responses as complete; and apply condition codes

Part V: Interim Assessment Reporting System (PDF) - this section of the Interim Assessment User Guide provides general information about how to log in to the reporting system. For instructions on how to use the features in the Interim Assessment Reporting System, please refer to pages 7-30 of the Smarter Balanced Reporting System User Guide.

In addition, the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments Interpretive Guide is available to help educators and other stakeholders interpret the interim assessment reports and results. This guide addresses the specifics of how to evaluate and use group, student, and item-level data from these assessments to improve teaching and learning.