computer science

Welcome to the Spring 2020 STEM Expo Computer Science Projects Page

Below you will find short videos describing the projects our students worked on this semester. Please enjoy the show!

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Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Arch Linux 2020

Presenter Name: Max Navarrette

Brief Description: Presenting an operating system called Arch Linux. It's an open source customizable operating system independently developed purpose Linux distribution that provides the latest versions of software. With the Arch Linux operating system, the user is able to build and customize there operating system however they see fit.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Open Media Vault

Presenter Name: Alan Newcomer, Jeff Roderick

Brief Description: Open Media Vault is a network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux designed for small or home offices and is available for x86, x64, and ARM platforms, with an extremely low hardware requirement. With the use of services like SSH, (S)FTP SMB/CIFS, RSync, and many more thanks to third-party developers and plugins. Its' simple design and robust design make it easy to install and configure on any device old or new within an hour by anyone who has experience installing an operating system.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Elementary OS a Desktop Environment

Presenter Name: Sadiq Jjuuko

Brief Description: Presenting a simple review of the "Elementary OS" which is designed as a desktop or a workstation environment. In the video, I explain how the operating system works, its advantages and shortcomings.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Clear Linux Operating Systems

Presenter Name: Ethan Bernstein

Brief Description: Clear Linux is an open source, rolling release Linux distribution made by Intel focused on Cloud and Server use cases, but it also offers a Desktop environment. Clear Linux is designed to provide a fast operating system optimized for Intel hardware but, modern AMD chipsets benchmark well on it too!

Course: CS225 Software Design

Project Title: Decorator Pattern - CARLS CARS

Presenter Name: Akamsiri Boffa

Brief Description: Java programming - Decorator Pattern (javaFX)

Course: CS242 Computer Networks

Project Title: Simple IoT Smart Home Network

Presenter Name: Francisco Contreras

Brief Description: This is a simulation of a basic IoT (Internet of Things) Network that function as Google Home or Amazon Alexa. The simulation was done using the CISCO Packet Tracer simulation tool.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Kali Linux OS

Presenter Name: Douglas Woolley

Brief Description: The installation of Kali Linux and the tools available for Ethical Hacking. Kali is a packaged distribution of the Linux operating system.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Alpine Linux

Presenter Name: Antonio Tinoco

Brief Description: Presenting the operating system Alpine Linux which is a small and secure Linux distribution. I explain how when used as a workstation it can be very basic, but it’s shine comes within the docker community, where the full capabilities of Alpine can really be used.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Pop!_OS Operating Systems

Presenter Name: Michael Horn

Brief Description: This OS is for gamers, designers, and programmers.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Tiny Core Linux Operating System

Presenter Name: Lena Viazmitinov

Brief Description: This is a project on the operating system Tiny Core Linux. It is a Linux distribution made in 2009 that is 12 MB is size.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: BlackArch Linux Operating System

Presenter Name: Kyle Hagerman

Brief Description: Our Goal was to choose a less common operating system, and run it on a virtual machine, explore how it runs, what features it has and report back. My choice was Black Arch Linux. As Someone who wants to get into penetration testing, this was a dream. I was overwhelmed with the amount of security tools and how I could use them. From web app hacking to network and password attacks, If you are into offensive security, you will feel like a kid in a candy shop while exploring BlackArch. Beyond some initial installation problems, this distribution has been flawless. I hope you enjoy my video! Thank you all at the STEM Expo for giving me your time.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: Mageia Operating Systems

Presenter Name: Alexander Cote

Brief Description: Mageia is a Linux-based, Free Software operating system that is secure, stable and sustainable.

Course: CS180 Introduction to Operating Systems

Project Title: OpenSUSE Operating System

Presenter Name: Stanley Ekpong

Brief Description: OpenSUSE is an operating system that is designed to cater to System Administrators, Developers and Desktop Users. OpenSUSE is among the leading GNU/Linux distributions and is also one of the oldest existing ones. openSUSE uses a core system from SUSE Linux Enterprise but with up-to-date hardware support, desktop environments and graphical applications.

Project Title: Sudoku AI

Presenter Name: Nathaniel Hansche

Brief Description: An AI capable of solving any sudoku puzzle.

Course: CS225 Software Design

Project Title: Fred's Fish Tank

Presenter Name: Megan Lew

Brief Description: An interactive fish tank based on the Strategy pattern created using JavaFX .

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