computer science

Welcome to the Fall 2020 STEM Expo Computer Science Projects Page

Below you will find short videos describing the projects our students worked on this semester. Please enjoy the show!

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OpenPuff Steganography

Course: CS116 Fundamentals of Cyber Security

Presenter Names: Max Navarrette

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: Steganography is the art of concealing data such as a a file, image or program within another file, image or document. OpenPuff is a basic Steganography application that hides data, which can also be used to hide malicious scripts and programs.

Cyberbullying & Cyberstalking

Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Tammie Campos

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: Cyberbullying has affected one out of four children and led twelve percent of them to commit suicide In the USA. Meanwhile one out of five people are stalked online throughout their life.

Virtual Currency - Bitcoin

Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Mitchell Prest

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: Virtual currency and the effects it has on today's society.

Computers and technology and it’s impact on physical and mental health

Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Nicholas Ashbey

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: Some ways technology is having a negative impact on health and what to do about it.

Surveillance Software

Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Alexia Devane

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: All technology has software built in them, surveillance software is one of them that tracks where you go, what you are looking at and much more.

AR and VR

Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Jeicilene Moura

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology has caused advancements in medical, military, educational and entertainment industries.

The Dark Web

Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Katherine Soliman

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: Explaining what the dark web is.

Autonomous Vehicles

Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Michael Park

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: AV has wide applications, including driverless taxi, driverless buses, and long-distance trucking. The technology will be here sooner than you think.

Impact of Technology in One’s Health

Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Gabriella Resto-Estrada

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: Technology can not only affect your mental health, but your physical health as well.


Course: CS100 Computers and Technology

Presenter Names: Edward Noonan

Faculty Name: Tracey Vincent

Brief Description: Hacking is an issue that will never go away because hackers become more advanced as technology becomes more advanced.

Hiker Simulator

Course: CS208 Data Structures

Presenter Names: Lila Masand

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: This program simulates hikers coming to a mountain to climb. They are registered in a computer system, organized into groups, and recorded as they come back down.

Karel's Arithmetic Challenge

Course: CS118 Scripting

Presenter Names: Elizabeth Malinn, Jeffrey Wertheim

Faculty Name: Susanne Steiger-Escobar

Brief Description: Test your mental math skills with our fun JavaScript game! This game was designed as a fun approach to Animation in Education for our scripting class.

Purple Mountain

Course: CS208 Data Structures

Presenter Names: Samuel Hernandez Alvarez

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: Data structures project. It is a program that helps a mountain manger keep track of when hikers enter and exit the trails in order to make sure no one is missing.


Course: CS118 Scripting

Presenter Names: Lalucia Mofokeng, Tyrone Bacha

Faculty Name: Susanne Steiger-Escobar

Brief Description: A maze game with a twist. We used App Lab to create it.

The Great Race

Course: CS118 Scripting

Presenter Names: Conor Elliston

Faculty Name: Susanne Steiger-Escobar

Brief Description: This project is a game built in JavaScript where the player takes the role of a student in a great race to the end of the semester to receive a letter grade. It is a platform game in which the player tries to make it to the end with as high a score as possible.

Family Tree Project

Course: CS208 Data Structures

Presenter Names: Ariel Liberzon

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: A program that can create and display a family tree based on an input file.

Resizable Circles

Course: CS208 Data Structures

Presenter Names: Megan Lew

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: This simple GUI application allows users to interactively resize two different circles.

Family Tree Rendering

Course: CS208 Data Structures

Presenter Names: Darragh O'Halloran

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: Given a user-generated (or default, failing that) source file, my program renders the information from the file into a visual tree of their family relationship. My tree only focuses on one side of the family for simplicity.


Course: CS200 Programming II

Presenter Names: Junia Akter

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: GUI-based 3x3 Tic-Tac-Toe game, where each cell corresponds to a CELL object,using Java Programming Language.Tic-tac-toe is a two player game. The two players take turns putting marks on a 3x3 board. The player who first gets 3 of his/her marks in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) wins the game, and the other loses the game"GUI or graphical user interface, enables the user to interface with a program via the use of graphical components such as windows, buttons, text boxes.In this project, Each button in the GUI have a listener that sets that cell’s image for the player and calls appropriate method of corresponding TttCell object

Theory: A Basic Music Learning Tool

Course: CS118 Scripting

Presenter Names: Tyler David Kaufman

Faculty Name: Susanne Steiger-Escobar

Brief Description: An educational game which teaches the user how to identify note names based on their positions on a staff.

Hikers in a Mountain

Course: CS208 Data Structures

Presenter Names: Svetozar Draganitchki

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: The project generates a random number of hikers and adds them to three different trails.

Rubik's Solver

Course: CS208 Data Structures

Presenter Names: Saif Masoud

Faculty Name: Shamsi Moussavi

Brief Description: Solves 2x2 Rubik's Cube using Breadth-First Search.
Fall20 Computer Science STEM Expo Site Comments