Weber Library Media Center
2024-2025 Library Google Classroom Codes! Please join! :)
2024-2025 Library Google Classroom Codes! Please join! :)
6th grade: z23bsue
7th grade: bxfp5lp
8th grade: b7n7yrj
Library Media Specialist : Mr. Gilley (
Secretary/Clerical : Mrs. Derasmo (
Basic Information
Basic Information
Mr. Gilley and Mrs. Derasmo are so happy that you are visiting the Weber Library Media Center website! Here, you will be able to locate all our print and digital materials. These materials will help you learn, think and grow!
The Weber Library is open from 8:00 am until 3:10 p.m. Students can borrow books for a period of three weeks. If you need more time to read a book, please visit us at the circulation desk to renew your material. The library is the perfect space to read, complete homework, or conduct research. We appreciate your cooperation!