Lincoln MS Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities

See Top of Page for FULL MENU of Options


Go to Each Individual Sport Page under Fall Above for Full Game Schedules

 A Permission Slip and Dr’s Physical MUST be on file at Lincoln Middle before any student can participate in tryouts, practices or game

Please see Mr. Murph for a permission slip or download one by clicking on the Permission Slip page above.

Any Questions Contact:

Jemal Murph - Athletic Director

207-874-8145 x6175

Participating in sports, clubs and activities is an essential component of the middle level experience. We actively encourage students to become involved in all we have to offer, from athletic teams, math teams, drama club or some other club the school is offering.  Even if you have never participated before, Middle School is a wonderful place to try something new.

Before a student can participate on an athletic team the school district requires a signed document from your students physician stating that he/she has had a physical within the last 2 years.  In addition parents/guardians must sign the Portland Public Schools Sports Risk Warning Form which can be found by clicking on Home above.

We look forward to building great relationships with all students as they participate in the many athletics, clubs and activities at Lincoln Middle!


Jemal Murph

Athletic / Co-Curricular Director