Daily Learning

Week of 5/25/2020

Hello Team 213,

I miss you all very much. Here is where I will post the learning for each day. This is only a place where I will give you an overview of each days assignments. Unless I say to do it somewhere else, the work will be done in Google Classroom. Please read instructions VERY CAREFULLY in each assignment in Google Classroom. The expectation is to work on each subject for approximately 40 minutes per day in reading, writing, and math. It will take some time to get used to this, so we will do some science and social studies soon, but a little later! Again, please, every day fill out the form on the homepage (about half way down). This is important, I will be taking attendance. Also, I am grading all your work so please complete everything. If you have any questions, please send me a message on Google Classroom and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I will be working normal hours, about 8:00-4:00. Take care and work hard!

❤️ and ☮️

Mr. Brown

Weekly Learning May 25-29