Valley View School Transportation

Transportation Implementation

  • All riders will wear face coverings on the bus

  • There will be loading and unloading restrictions

  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols

Arrival/Dismissal - Revised parent drop off/pick up procedures to promote social distancing

Arrival/Dismissal Implementation

  • Increased arrival supervision; students directed directly to classrooms

  • Parent drop-off traffic pattern redesigned

  • Drop off -Cars enter via Hall Hill only

  • The loop is for buses and school vans only

  • Side entrance is for students dropped off and the front entrance is for the students on buses

  • Parents will not enter the building during drop off and pick up times

  • Separate exits for dismissal


We will be changing the Drop Off drive through area so that we can empty more cars at once in a safe way. No cars will be able to park by the café doors in those spots. We will have cones blocking that area. That is where you will drive and drop off your child.

Arrival time is from 8:15 – 8:30

Any parent arriving after that time, must park and bring their child to the front entryway. You will buzz in and someone will check-in your child at the door.

From 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. there should be no cars traveling through the circle in the front of the main entrance. The circle is for buses and school vans only.

Drop and Go: If you are dropping off your child, please enter via Hall Hill and drive up to the drop off area.

New Car Procedure: You will drive all the way to the back of the school. We will direct traffic so you know the flow the first few times. You will turn around and head back towards where you came from. You will stop at the sidewalk on the right. Four cars can fit against the sidewalk.

All children must exit the car from the right hand side of the vehicle for safety reasons. Parents are responsible for unbuckling their child’s seat belt if they need assistance when dropping off their child in the designated area. Staff will help open the door. We have adults on duty to assist the students to where to go and to supervise the flow of traffic in the parking lot.

After your child exits, please drive out the way you came in (Hall Street).

Please remember that visitors are not allowed in the building.

Your child will walk to their assigned entrance and go directly to the classroom. There are staff members outside and in the halls to assist students so they make it directly to their destination. Students getting dropped off will enter the side entrance by the café. There will be cones marking the entrance. If they are purchasing breakfast, they will grab a breakfast on their way to their classroom.

Please make sure to inform your child if they are purchasing breakfast. We will also help them remember once we are informed.

Families that are Walking

If you are entering in the front, please do not go next to the buses. You can use the ramp in the front and have your child enter up the ramp and through the main entrance. Please do not walk your child past the ramp.

Bus Students

Bus students will be dropped off at the main entrance as usual. This loop is for buses and school vans only. No cars are allowed in that area. Bus students will be assisted by adults and walk into the main entrance way. There will be a table set up for students that are buying breakfast to grab one and go directly to their classroom. There will be adults in the hall to help students find their classrooms.


We will start calling buses at 2:55. For end of the day pick-up, parents will park in the designated areas and go to their assigned exits to pick up their child rain or shine. You will be given specific information from your classroom teacher. Visitors are not able to be in the building. You will meet the teacher outside at your assigned pick-up spot. They will check your license and mark you off as picking up your child. After they know you, you will not need to continue to show your license to them however, have it every day in case of a sub. We cannot release your child unless you have identification. Also, please make sure the person coming to pick up your child is on the list to be able to pick up or we cannot release your child. We will continue to follow our safety protocol to ensure the safety of our students.

If your child normally rides the bus and you are picking them up, please send an email to or call the school in the morning, if possible, so we can plan for a safe dismissal. We are trying to eliminate notes being sent in and delivered to the office, so please do not send in a note.