Valley View School

Health Reporting, Practices, and Protocols

Cleaning and disinfecting

Increased cleaning and sanitation

Additionally, the building will be deep cleaned on Distance Learning Hybrid days where both groups are at home.


  • Professional development and student instruction

  • Time during instructional blocks to accommodate cleaning

  • Increased cleaning and sanitation schedule will be implemented by custodians

  • Student work spaces will be cleaned before and after use.

  • Preschool will be cleaned by a custodian in between the morning and afternoon groups in addition to their normal cleaning.

  • After school building use will be curtailed to facilitate cleaning (Staff Meetings, PTO can be held via Google Meet)

Health Protocol

Parents are asked to check for symptoms before they send their child to school

If your child is showing any symptoms of being sick, please keep them home.

School Nurse

The school nurse will assess student health in the building as needed daily.

  • The nurse's office was relocated and redesigned to include an isolation area

For more information regarding Health Protocols and Practices see the District Health Reporting, Practices and Protocols Page.