Valley View School

Daily Operations - Facilities

In-School Learning

Modified schedule to reduce movement within the schools. Students will remain in their homeroom classroom throughout the day.

Hybrid Model

Cohorting and modified schedules to reduce movement within the schools.

School will be split into 2 cohorts to reduce the number of students in school by 50%. Cohort A (Blue) and Cohort B (Red). Please follow the District Hybrid Schedule.

Buildings will be deep cleaned on the days both groups are home Distance Learning.

Distance Learning

Schedules for all students will feature synchronous (real-time) lessons shortened so it is developmentally appropriate for our age group. Individual and small group supports via Google Meets will be provided based on individual student needs.

Schedules will be consistent and shared ahead of time.

VV Schedule Option A.pdf
Valley View Option B Schedule- Hybrid.docx
VV Schedule Option C - Distance Learning.docx

Cohort Implementation

Cohorts will be together throughout the entire school day.

  • Specials area teachers will deliver instruction in the cohort classroom. PE will be outdoors weather permitting. Teachers will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the room and when leaving.

  • Cohorts will eat lunch together in their classrooms

  • Cohorts will have recess together

  • There may be special services students receive that require them to be pulled out. This will still take place but they will not mix with other cohorts. The teacher working with them will follow cleaning protocol and safety measures when working with the students.


Cohorts of students will be assigned to specific bathroom facilities.

  • Kindergarten will use the bathrooms in their classrooms

  • Head Start will use the bathrooms in the Kindergarten Hallway

  • Preschool is one cohort and will share the preschool bathroom

  • Grade one will be split between two bathrooms.

  • Grade one students will send one boy and one girl at their scheduled bathroom breaks throughout the day to ensure only one student is in the bathroom at a time. A schedule will be designed to eliminate waiting however, due to emergencies some students may need the bathroom outside their scheduled time.

  • Students will be taught the bathroom expectations

  • Staff will be assigned to specific bathroom facilities

  • Restrooms will be cleaned more frequently, on a specific schedule

  • Students will wash their hands for at least 20 seconds after using the bathroom

Drinking Fountains

Water fountains will be closed at this time.

  • Students and staff will be encouraged to bring their own water bottles. If a student is in need of water and does not have a bottle, a cup with water from the sink will be provided.

Visitors and Volunteers

Visitors and Volunteers will not be allowed in the building at this time.

  • Outside workers or district employees that may enter must wear a mask

  • Volunteers can help remotely if possible

  • If you need to pick your child up from school early your child will be escorted to you at the front door. If your child is late to school, you will buzz and someone will let your child in.

  • If you need to drop something off please buzz and give instructions. You can leave it in the box in the doorway labeled with your child’s first and last name.


Cohorts will attend recess outside weather permitting in different locations or times throughout the day.

  • Increased recess time. Recess will increase to thirty minutes twice a day to allow for additional movement and mask breaks. Preschool will have one recess break due to 2.5 hour school day.

  • Recess Weather Guidelines have been updated to improve the outdoor opportunities: Students will have indoor recess if the temperature, accounting for the windchill, is below 20 degrees Fahrenheit or it is raining. If it is drizzling they will go outside. If cars have to use windshield wipers they will not be able to go out.

  • Every effort will be made to allow students to go outside

  • Students will not wear masks at recess

  • Students will social distance during recess

  • Development of age appropriate social distancing games

  • Students will be able to use the playscape on a rotating basis

  • Indoor recess will include individual games and activities at the child’s seat

  • Students will be taught the expectations for indoor and outdoor recess

  • Three groups will go out for recess at a time (Blacktop, Gym Blacktop, Field) The baseball field will be used for gym class and there will be a spot designated for outdoor lessons.


All students will be issued an electronic device.

  • Parents will need to review and sign the user agreement

  • Parents will need to assist students with charging the device at home daily and with bringing the device to school each day

  • There is a fee for broken or lost devices per the user agreement

  • Every effort will be made to assist families that do not have internet access at home

  • The Media Library Teacher will conduct weekly lessons on the use of technology. Classroom teachers will reinforce these skills daily.

School-Wide Events and Assemblies

Gatherings mixing cohorts will not be permitted at this time.

Every effort will be made to hold events remotely via Google Meets or other social media platforms.


The library will be closed at this time. Students will have access to online books.

  • The Library Media Teacher will go to the classrooms to deliver instruction

  • Students will have access to online books

  • The library will be used for teachers to eat following social distancing protocol

Storage of Belongings

Grade level specific plans for coats and backpacks will be in place according to resources.

  • Model and teach students protocol for belongings storage

  • Communicate protocol to parents

  • Encourage students to only bring jacket, gloves, hats, snack, lunch, computer and homework to and from school. Unnecessary belongings should be kept home

  • Preschool will store belongings in their classroom

  • Kindergarten students will use lockers. Lockers will be five lockers apart and students will use lockers at rotating times so only one class is out at a time.

  • Grade One students will store belongings at their designated seating area on the back of their chairs

  • Students will enter and go directly to their classrooms. In Kindergarten, they will have assigned times to go to their locker to promote social distancing